Languages spoken: French, Spanish and Arabic.
In the body, collagen-based soft tissue is called fascia. They form an integrated system that surrounds the muscle chains and provides a true connection from head to toe. They are essential for posture and movement. The mobility and elasticity of fascia can diminish following intense effort or injury.
Myofascial release involves both superficial and deep manual massage and sanding techniques that create stretch and promote relaxation. This specific technique also aims to mobilize the different layers of fascia and break down any adhesions that may have formed between skin, fascia and muscles.
An important part of the treatment will involve teaching exercises that can then be performed at home.
The benefits of the treatment will quickly be felt in the form of pain relief and improved joint flexibility and mobility.
Certain injuries (sprains, bursitis, etc.), muscular stress (tendonitis) or over-exertion can lead to fascia rupture, thus impacting your mobility.
Inadequate posture, repetitive movements, lack of physical activity, burns or scars can also be the cause. Tensions in the myofascial system can often be the cause of chronic pain and long-lasting pathologies.
This condition can also lead to breathing problems, as the diaphragm
and fascias allow air to circulate properly throughout the body.
The myofascial release will prevent the pain from getting worse, and will certainly help you relax and carry out your daily activities more easily.