Languages spoken: French, Spanish and Arabic.
When a condition affects the joints and periarticular structures, functional discomfort and pain may force the patient to undergo scheduled surgery – hip prosthesis (THR), spinal arthrodesis, knee prosthesis (KP), etc. – in order to improve the quality of life.
Your physiotherapist will then intervene post-operatively to improve swelling, amplitude recovery and function.
He will be in close contact with the surgeon and will adapt his treatment according to his instructions. He will also accompany you throughout rehabilitation to save the operated area and avoid complications.
The aim here is to regain autonomy as quickly as possible, which is the main objective of surgery.
When an operation is scheduled, it’s a good idea, in consultation with your doctor, to set up a pre-operative rehabilitation program to prepare for the operation.
In fact, following the operation, muscle wasting will set in very quickly, and can be limited by strengthening the muscles beforehand.